Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hold On To Your Seats!

I am ecstatic! Today I started the Esther series from Beth Moore. I was really wanting to do this study, but hadn't found an opportunity. Then one fell into my lap. My mother-in-law called me and said that their women's ministry was doing this study and asked if I would like to attend. I automatically said 'yes!' and signed up. 

Now, if you know me, I have my irons in a lot of fires. When I thought about all that I have going on, I decided to back out at the last minute. It all started closing in on me...the time constraints, work that I have due, everyday responsibilities of ministry, helping out family members, yada yada. I know that it would be good for me to simplify my life and not to be too busy (a little late now!), but my spirit was still crying out for depth and I have experienced such a longing for more of God. So, at the very last drop-dead second I went. 

Whoa! Boy am I glad that I did. God, through His servant Beth, showed me that this study is exactly what I have been needing for this season in my life and here's why: God needed to show me, once again, how BIG He is and how much He loves me.

I have the usual run-of-the-mill insecurities. You know, I'm not adequate, I'm not smart enough, I'm not qualified, I'm not experienced, I'm not good at certain things...pretty much a miserable wretch. But, I have felt those feelings even more lately. And the odd thing is, as I have felt more of those feelings, God has put more and more responsibility on me. How could He give me more and more when I feel like I am less and less? 

That question was answered today in the first session of Esther. I don't want to give anything away because I think EVERY woman needs to do this study! But, I have to tell you one thing that stood out to me - What I feel IS NOT truth; What I read in God's word IS truth!! I often hear people (such as myself) say 'I feel in my spirit' and I don't really know for sure if that is our 'spirit' we are feeling or if it's just our emotions. What I do know is she hones in on one particular fact of every woman's life that we don't often address that has to do with the 'emotional' side of us (you'll have to hear for yourself). 

I know this is a little vague, and that is intentional. I don't want to give away the impact that this study can make in a woman's life...and I've only been through the introductory session! This is such a great way to start off the year. I know that God has great things in store for me and that He will use me mightily because that's who He is. Hold on for the ride, guys! And be prepared to be moved.

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